Porcupine Stew - A Very Short Comic Film
Hello everybody, here is my first very short comic film!
A huge thanks to all of the fabulous cast and crew!
Please share this with anyone who you think would like it. Thank you!
Porcupine Stew
A Very Short Comic Film
Written by
Timothy Reed
Cordelia Quillpiggery
Timothy Reed
Timothy Reed
Cordelia's Daughters
Olivia Buehler Eleanor Buehler Charlotte Buehler
Gerhard Quillpiggery
Timothy Reed
Directed by
Timothy Reed and Duane Busick
Filmed by
Duane Busick
Edited by
Duane Busick and Timothy Reed
Jennifer Buehler Grace Buehler
Porcupine and Quill Operators
Jada Buehler Liam Hickock Jennifer Buehler Grace Buehler
Jennifer Buehler Timothy Reed
Jennifer Buehler Timothy Reed