Flying Music Video

Thanks so much to Charlea Janette Bailey for making this beautiful video for my song ?Flying?, which features Lauren Brown, Lilly Brown, Jenna Brown, and me on vocals, me on piano, and Charlea?s owl drawings. Chip Reardin recorded, mixed, and mastered; and co-produced with me. This is the most virtuoso composition on my Euphoric Owls album, along with the title track solo piano piece, ?Euphoric Owls?. ?Flying? features big arching vocal lines and challenging harmonies, which the Brown Sisters pull off magnificently. At one point Jenna?s part goes up to E6, which is a minor third above the soprano high C, in other words, a coloratura soprano note, or in other words, a very very high note! The piano part is a continuous flow of sextuplets, which I really had to practice like crazy to get down. Hope you enjoy this song and video. If I was forced to choose my own personal favorite of all of the songs on this album, it would be Flying. You can buy the song on iTunes here!