Falling in Love in the Fall

Hello everyone,

In honor of autumn in New Zealand-lol, I am releasing "Falling in Love in the Fall", just as spring is arriving in Indiana. I love all 4 seasons, but perhaps my favorite is the fall.

I wrote the music and the lyrics, sang the lead and backing vocals, and played the piano. Recording engineers were Chip Reardin and Dave Weber, at Airtime Recording Studios in Bloomington, Indiana.

For those music theory nerds, this song begins in A minor, modulates to C minor, then Eb minor, and ends up in A major. Each modulation descends a major 6th, sort of a modulation metaphor of falling leaves.

Thanks to Charlea Janette Bailey for the beautiful cover art!

You can listen to the whole song and buy it on CDBaby,  listen to clips and buy on iTunes, Amazon, etc., listen to it and gaze at Charlea's wonderful cover art on YouTube, and listen to it on Spotify, too!


Timothy Reed


Here are the lyrics:

Falling in Love in the Fall

Music and Lyrics by Timothy Reed


The leaves are fallin' down

Swirlin' round and round

The harvest moon is full

Hear the howlin' of the wolves


And I'm fallin', fallin'

Fallin' in love with you!


The cider's flowin' in the mill

Make a fire to warm the chill

Have a piece of pumpkin pie

Grab a broom and fly up in the sky


And I'm fallin', fallin'

Fallin' in love with you!


Beware the talons of the owl

Look at how the jack o lantern scowls

Who are you on hallow's eve?

Dive into a massive pile of leaves


And I'm fallin', fallin'

Fallin' in love with you, you

Fallin', fallin', fallin', fallin' in love with you

The only thing I know more beautiful than the leaves

Fallin', fallin', etc

Your eyes, your smile, etc

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