Dead Doll Eyes

The anonymous fan with whom I wrote the song Dead Doll Eyes made this video. I cried the first time I watched it. It is very hard to watch. But I believe it is a video everyone should see. Did you know that "Approximately 20% of girls and 8% of boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday?" (Pereda et al, 2009) Hopefully this song and video can help spread awareness of the prevalent and often overlooked tragedy of sexual abuse.

Song credits:

Music composed by Timothy Reed

Lyrics by Timothy Reed and an anonymous fan.

Lead Vocal by Ariel Herzberger

Piano by Timothy Reed

French Horn by Sarah Greene

Engineered by Chip Reardin and David Weber

Produced by Chip Reardin, David Weber, and Timothy Reed

A huge thanks for all who contributed to this song. Could not have done it without you!