Wippen Repetition Flange

Last week the D below Middle C stopped playing on my piano, which is a note that you play on practically every song.... very?frustrating. So, I called Dave Cox from The American Piano Factory.He had to take the entire action out of the piano (see photo) and put it on my coffee table and discovered that the wippen/repetition?flange needed repaired. He was able to glue it back together with Elmer's glue.I have a 1979 Baldwin L grand piano which I bought from Dave several years ago. Dave has done a great job taking care of tuning and regular maintenance. I would highly recommend his services to anyone who lives in the Bloomington area and needs a great piano guy.Dave has a shop on the west side of Bloomington where he has been restoring and selling pianos for over 35 years (he knows a LOT about pianos). ?It is a fun place to visit... I regularly take students there to tour his facilities and see pianos in various states of being refurbished.Check out the graphic below for a look at Dave, my piano, and my teaching / composing studio...