Twilight Chosen for Film Set in East Germany
Through broadjam, a music licensing service, my song Twilight was chosen for a film! All I've been given so far is the film synopsis.
Claudia, an American citizen, goes back to the house in East Germany where she spent her childhood. Her parents, recently deceased, have left her their home and she goes to deal with the estate. Once there, she recalls the time she lived with her family. Her memories immerse us in the reality of her life under the communist East German rule and the eventual collapse of the Wall.
The filmmakers are targeting a completion date of either late summer or early fall.This song features Lauren, Jenna, and Buff Brown on vocals and me on vocals and piano. When we perform it live, Lilly (the 3rd Brown sister) sings also. She was not on the CD recording because she was in Ecuador at the time.In the meantime we are now editing our own music video of Twilight, so stay tuned for that in the next few weeks as well. Here are some stills from the upcoming video and feel free to listen to the song as well. Thanks![nggallery id=5]